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                企业资质 / Enterprise qualification

                海员外派资︻质 MLC第三方△认证∞ ISO:9001:2015质量管理体系

                Seafarer export quallfication MLC third-party cerlfication ISO:9001:2015

                quality management system

                外派资质 / The International Manning qualifications


                The number of International Manning certificate is HYWP06007. Jun 04th.,2013, the people's Republic of China Maritime Bureau issued a seafarer agencies in accordance with the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 rules 1.4 requirements of announcement and attachment file.Guangzhou Mingyuan ship management Co.,Ltd also among them.

                MLC第三⊙方认证 / MLC 3rd party certified


                In order to provide better services to ship owner, the company has applied for the international classification society and has obtained MLC 3rd party certification successfully.

                MLC第三方认证 / MLC 3rd party certified


                In order to provide better services to ship owner, the company has applied for the international classification society and has obtained MLC 3rd party certification successfully.