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                公司简介 / Company Profile




                Guangzhou Mingyuan Ship Management Co., Ltd.,authorized by the industrial and commercial bureau and approved by the maritime September 2010, with the registered capital of thirty million Yuan RMB. It is one of the few companies with professional and sound seafarer management qualification in Guangdong Province, It is the vice President unit of guangdong seamen service association. Since business grows up, Guangzhou Mingyuan ship Management(SH) Co.,Ltd was found at Shanghai Shipping Center in May, 2015.

                船队规模 / Fleet Scale


                We?own?45?full-set?seafarer?management?ships, and?manage?more?than?70?ships?with?

                co-operation. We are still constantly?expanding?the?scale?of?business.

                船舶船型 / Ship Type

                集装箱,散货船,杂货船,原木船,木屑船,油轮,化学品船,液化气船等各种船型及吨位的船航 行在全球航线,东南亚航线以及国内沿海航线等不同航线上。

                Container, bulk cargo ship, cargo ship, log ship, woodchip carrier, oil tankers, chemical tankers,liquefied gas tankers and other vessels and tonnage of ships sailing in the global routes, Southeast Asia routes and domestic coastal routes etc.

                贴心服务 / Intimate Service

                视船东利益高于一切,为船东提●供全方位的服务,诸如:办理外籍证书,整套国〒外换员服务,访船服务,甚至各种技术指导。 公司一贯把船员视为兄弟,提倡以人为本的亲情化管理,严格按照国家法律↘规定和所合作的国际船东标准,确保船员无Ψ 忧上船工作,快了回家休假。 为船▃员提供各类保障服务!诸如:替船员交社会保险金,及∞时更换证书,协助船员考试报名等各ζ 种服务

                As the shipowner's interests above all else, to provide a full range of services for shipowners, such as: application for foreign certificate and foreign visa, the whole set of crew exchange service, visit to the ship,and even a variety of technical guidance.Company has always treated the crew as brothers, advocating people-oriented management of affection, strictly in accordance with the laws and regulations of the state and in collaboration with the international ship owner standard to ensure crew work onboard without worry, enjoy the holidays at home. Provide all kinds of service for the crew, such as: to arrange social security fee for crew, to renew certificate in time, to assist the crew for the examination registration and other services.

                硬件设施 / Facilities

                公司总部设在广州, 在上海航运中◇心设有分公司。在广州与广州航海学院建立船员培训基地,为船员提供各种培训,宽敞明亮的船员培训室及先进齐全〓的培训设备为船员岗前培训,职业辅导和就业咨询提供了一个良▅好的环境,确保严格╲按照STCW国际公约标准培训外派船员,满足船员→各类职务证书考证、换证、晋升卐培训要求,同时按照船※东要求组织各类培训,包括驾驶台资源管↙理、机舱资源管理、电子海图以及在岸休假船员的室内培训,研讨会,强化语言培训等

                As the shipowner's interests above all else, to provide a full range of services for shipowners, such as: application for foreign certificate and foreign visa, the whole set of crew exchange service, visit to the ship,and even a variety of technical guidance.Company has always treated the crew as brothers, advocating people-oriented management of affection, strictly in accordance with the laws and regulations of the state and in collaboration with the international ship owner standard to ensure crew work onboard without worry, enjoy the holidays at home. Provide all kinds of service for the crew, such as: to arrange social security fee for crew, to renew certificate in time, to assist the crew for the examination registration and other services.

                现有队伍 / Existing team


                The company has a more than 1800 qualified and professional seamen team. Among them, the proportion of cadres crew accounted for more than 55%. They graduated from the domestic famous maritime institutions

                发展壮大 / Developing and growing

                公司每年从国内各所著名航【海院校招收近百名大学生,不断补充和壮大我们的船员队伍。同时也积极吸引社会船员的加盟。 在可以预期的将来,将达到3000人的专业远洋船员队伍。

                The company recruit nearly a hundred students from each domestic famous maritime colleges and universities ever year, continue to complement and expand our crew. At the same time, also actively attract social crew to join. In the future can be expected, will reach 3000 people in the professional ocean-going crew.

                管理团队 / Management team

                通过长期专业化、国际化海员配备运营,公司积累了丰富的经验,培ㄨ养和建立了一支由多名船长、轮机长及英语、 海商法等专业人才组成的◥服务意识强、精通国际海员配备业务的管理团队。现在全套船舶配员45条,合作管理船舶70多条,在该团队的管理下顺利运营中。

                Through long-term crew manning with specialization, internationalization, company has accumulated rich experiences,to cultivate and set up a team of captains, chief engineers, English and maritime law service consciousness, which is composed of strong,the master of international seafarers are equipped with business management team. Now there are 45 ships with full set of crew manning, and more than 70 ships with co-operation in the management, in the team under the management of operating smoothly.

                为了顺应市场形势,不断扩大业务规模,在广州及上海公司聘请了一批在航运界享有盛誉 的管理人□ 员为公司的发展添砖加瓦,做大做强,实现互利共赢。将为更多●的国际国内船东提供更加优质的服务。

                In order to adapt to the market situation, and constantly expand the scale of business, in Guangzhou and Shanghai, company hired a group of managers with high reputation in the shipping industry for the company's development, bigger and stronger, to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results. It will be more international and domestic ship owners to provide more quality services.


                We sincerely look forward to cooperation with your company, business and resource sharing, hand in hand to create the better future.